
StopUpdates10makesiteasyforyoutoalloworblockWindows10/11updatesanytime.Videotutorialavailable.Thisappisperfectlytimedforus.,Windows10introducedanewfeaturethatessentiallyremovesthehassleofmanuallycheckingforupdatestoyourOSbyautomaticallydownloadingandinstalling ...,StopUpdates10createsthepolicyregistrykeystoblockupdates.ItisforWindows7-8.MicrosoftignoresthesepoliciesinthelatestWindows10versions...

Download StopUpdates10

StopUpdates10 makes it easy for you to allow or block Windows 10/11 updates anytime. Video tutorial available. This app is perfectly timed for us.


Windows 10 introduced a new feature that essentially removes the hassle of manually checking for updates to your OS by automatically downloading and installing ...

StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403

StopUpdates10 creates the policy registry keys to block updates. It is for Windows 7-8. Microsoft ignores these policies in the latest Windows 10 versions.

StopUpdates10 一鍵永久停止Windows 更新的免費工具,還能 ...

2023年3月4日 — Windows 10 只有內建暫停更新功能,而且最長只能設置7 天,意味著7 天之後如果不想更新,就必須手動再次暫停,非常麻煩。這篇就要推薦一款可實現“一鍵永久 ...

Win Update Stop

Manually disable and turn off automatic Windows updates, stop Windows 10 and Windows 11 from automatically updating your PC. Permanently block Windows ...


Win鍵+ R,輸入 gpedit.msc 開啟群組原則編輯器,把[設定自動更新]跟[透過自動更新安裝建議的更新]停用 · 控制台-所有控制台項目-系統管理工具-電腦管理,找到BITS 服務 · 停 ...


StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403 免安裝中文版- 關閉Windows11/10/8/7自動更新 ... Why StopUpdates10 if I can easily stop Windows update service? This way does not work ...

阻止Windows 10更新的所有方法

按照下面的方案正確關閉Win10自動更新。 方案1. 禁用Windows 更新服務. 首先,這種方法存在局限性。禁用自動更新服務將暫時停止任何Windows10累計更新 ...